What Is PTSD And How Cannabis Can Help?

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By Marcus Me

Traumatic Events Cause PTSD

PTSD, or post-traumatic stress disorder, is a mental health condition that can develop after exposure to a traumatic event or ordeal. Symptoms may include flashbacks, nightmares, severe anxiety, restlessness, intrusive thoughts, hypervigilance, avoidance behaviors and uncontrollable thoughts about the tragic event.

Who Gets PTSD?

Many people think that members of our military or veterans are the only people that get it, but it doesn’t discriminate and can affect anyone that has had a tragic event occur in their lives. Keep in mind that it is relative to each person. It may also cause a number of physical and mental health problems, including anxiety, depression, or insomnia.

Is There A Cure For PTSD?

While there is no single cause of PTSD, it is believed that both genetics and environment contribute to its development. There is currently no cure for PTSD, but there are treatments that can help reduce the symptoms.


Marijuana And PTSD

Millions of people are looking for a remedy for their PTSD symptoms as they find it difficult to function in everyday life. Many find medical cannabis to be an effective treatment and seem to get relief from their symptoms by consuming it.  There is no one-size-fits-all treatment for PTSD however it happens to be a qualifying debilitating condition that is approved for medical cannabis in Illinois just in case you are considering obtaining your medical card.


CBD And THC Offer Therapeutic Relief For PTSD

The primary cannabinoids in marijuana are cannabidiol (CBD) and Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), both of which have therapeutic benefits. In particular, cannabidiol (CBD), one of the active ingredients in cannabis, may be beneficial in reducing anxiety and improving sleep. 

In a federal placebo-controlled, double-blind study for PTSD, researchers found that participants who consumed cannabis with high levels of THC (9%) experienced improvements in their symptoms.

Some people say that medical cannabis has been a “life-changing” medicine for symptom relief. In other words, patients with PTSD may be able to receive symptom relief through the use of cannabis.


Cannabis Reduces Anxiety and Improves Sleep

Research on the effectiveness of cannabis for PTSD is still in its early stages, but the available evidence suggests that it may be beneficial for some patients.

Since cannabis has been shown to help reduce anxiety and improve sleep, two of the most common symptoms associated with PTSD, it is worth having a conversation with a qualified marijuana doctor that can advise you on its merits and how it can affect your condition.

In some cases, cannabis may even help to reduce the frequency and intensity of flashbacks and nightmares. If you suffer from PTSD and have not been able to find relief with other treatments, you may want to consider speaking with our doctor about the possibility of using medical cannabis. We like providing information so that you are informed and can choose to dictate how you want to manage your healthcare.

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Cannabis Improves PTSD Symptoms

The symptoms of PTSD make it a debilitating condition that can have a profound effect on an individual’s quality of life. Sadly, PTSD is becoming way too common, affecting millions of people around the world.

Many patients follow up with their doctors and report symptom relief after getting their medical card and consuming cannabis. Some notable differences have been; decreased anxiety and improved sleep. If you are suffering from PTSD, please consult with a doctor to see if medical cannabis is right for you.

What Is PTSD And How Cannabis Can Help

PTSD Qualifies For Medical Marijuana Use

Most states like Illinois that have medical cannabis programs include PTSD as a qualifying condition. If you suffer from PTSD and are a resident of Illinois or another state that has PTSD as a qualifying condition, you are eligible for the use of medical cannabis.

A qualified healthcare provider will evaluate you and help you make an informed decision about whether cannabis is right for you. They will review your medical history and lifestyle to determine if marijuana would be a good treatment option. 

Most medical clinics will “pre-qualify” you at no cost and should only charge you if you get approved. A medical cannabis card consultation is required so that you can purchase products from dispensaries for this natural form of medicine. 

Medical Weed As A Treatment Option

If you are considering cannabis as a treatment option, it is important to be aware of the benefits and risks. Cannabis has been shown to have a wide range of medicinal benefits, and medical doctors throughout the country that prescribe marijuana for PTSD have witnessed their patients achieve stellar results that other medications couldn’t achieve with their patients. That doesn’t mean it works for everyone, so keep that in mind.

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What If You Are Not Diagnosed with PTSD?

If you haven’t been diagnosed but think you might have PTSD, get evaluated, and your medical provider will diagnose you if your symptoms are consistent with PTSD. You will want to see mental health practitioner that is qualified to diagnose mental health disorders like PTSD.  When you are approved, the medical provider will give you a written certification with your approval that can be submitted to the state to make it official.

Take control of your PTSD symptoms and talk with a doctor today!